Q&A with Sonu Pilania

25 October 2021 | Journal

Sonu Pilania QnA

Sonu Pilania is an actor currently based in Singapore. In the crafts of acting for stage and screen, he specialises in the genres of realism and naturalism.

Sonu holds a BA in History from Delhi University, and a Diploma in Mime from National Mime Institute, Kolkata. His questions and curiosity about the craft of acting were what drew him to ITI. 

His theatre journey started in 2014, working in various stage productions with different theatre companies and directors since then. He has participated in several theatre festivals, exploring Classical, Psycho-Physical, Forum, Parsi, and Realistic Theatre. 

After graduation, Sonu intends to continue acting on stage and screen. He also aims to work towards using theatre as a tool to address environmental issues, such as climate change.

Sonu is a beneficiary of the Möbius Fund.


What were you doing before coming to ITI?

I was doing my BA in History from Delhi University and working as an actor.

Tell us how you came to know of ITI. What made you choose to come here?

I remember having a conversation with Maisnam Joy Meetei, a lovely human being and a friend of mine. I was working in his theatre company when he told me about ITI. 

It’s also the complexity and curiosity to explore the nuances of acting that led me to ITI.

What is it like to train here at ITI?

It’s good. Experiencing the traditional forms felt like I was seeing a picture for the first time. We received it with open arms. The form that touched my heart the most was Noh, with its subtlety and the internal emotions it focused on. Other than that, in terms of our regular classes, Simon's voice classes were also a great experience.

What have you learnt through working with your classmates from various countries?

I learnt a lot from them. About how to live with a group of people who come from very different cultures and backgrounds. Sometimes you have conflicts, sometimes you agree on everything. How does one live with those circumstances and differences — that’s the lesson I’m taking away from my time here.

What are the most memorable experiences you’ve had at ITI?

I think the kind of life I had here in ITI and outside ITI, really affected me deeply. There are many memories and experiences that will give me peace and stillness, as well as many that will haunt me. 

Having beautiful chats about cinema and movies with [alumnus] Prajith K Prasad for hours. I miss having those talks with him after he graduated. 

Another thing I’ll always remember is Uncle Chan. He has such a passion in him, that sometimes, you just feel like sitting and watching him, without the need to even speak about anything, which is very very nice.


How has what you’ve learnt here shaped or changed you as an actor?

It’s pretty hard to figure this out quickly because everything we learn here will affect us somehow. I can’t summarise it just yet, how it’ll affect us or what’s going to happen. Everything we learn here will help us and give us intuition, which can then lead to something else. But what’s for sure is that in the last three years, I’ve tried to get to know myself as a human being. Saw my sides and shades as a person. Tried to find out what kind of person I am.

What are your plans for after graduation?

My god, it’s been three years, that is a long long time. I'm very happy that I'm graduating, and face the reality which I was waiting for. When I return, I know that I definitely will be working in my fields, doing farming, planting more trees, and sitting on the weir for hours… listening to birds.

Everything we learn here will help us and give us intuition, which can then lead to something else. But what’s for sure is that in the last three years, I’ve tried to get to know myself as a human being. Saw my sides and shades as a person. Tried to find out what kind of person I am.

What would you say to a new student or someone thinking of joining ITI?

I’d say good luck.

Is there anyone you’d like to thank?

My thanks to everybody. And special thanks to all the Angels for supporting ITI.

 Sonu Pilania FYiP2

Sonu Pilania Acting

Sonu Pilania2



Profile photo by Bernie Ng