Q&A with Prajith K Prasad

30 October 2020 | Journal

Prajith website

Hailing from Trivandrum in Kerala, Prajith began doing theatre, music and dance while in school. He has worked as an actor with Abhinaya Theatre Research Centre (India), Moon Fool (UK) and MA Company (Germany). Prajith has also participated in several theatre festivals in India, including the International Theatre Festival of Kerala and Soorya Theatre Festival, and was a participant in Play Practice international dance residency (Bangalore).

Prajith is a beneficiary of the Möbius Fund.

What were you doing before coming to ITI?

I was doing my BA in English Literature and Language, and working with several theatre companies, doing plays and attending workshops and residencies.


How did you come to know about ITI, and why did you choose to come here?

I was practising kalaripayattu, an ancient martial art form from Kerala, with the CVN Kalari, and there were many students of the now late Phillip Zarrilli coming to practise. It was through them that I came to know about ITI.

I decided to come to ITI because of the variety of training that the school has, from traditional art forms with the great masters to contemporary theatre forms with current theatre practitioners. The other reason - and the main reason - was also to touch base with my own culture and roots.


Think back to your first day here: what were some of your thoughts and emotions then?

It was quite mystical because it was nothing like I expected. I saw this very cool place and I just thought, “I'm about to experience something really organic and special.”


What is it like to train at ITI?

It really is a lot of work and struggles. The days are long and the weeks so fast. The perception of time really takes a toll.


Share something you’ve learnt from training with classmates from various countries.

I believe human beings are generally difficult creatures and we all have to coexist, so I have learnt to take one day at a time, to live in the moment and not to take things for granted.


What are some of the most memorable experiences you’ve had at ITI?

There are so many memories and if I had to pick one it would be so hard. But there was one time, in our Year 1 movement presentation, where all of us in our cohort choreographed a piece based on Ryuichi Sakamoto’s composition Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence. We all came together as a whole and felt each other emotionally and energetically. That was the confirmation that we can tell truths in theatre in ways that we can't in life.


How has what you’ve learnt here shaped or changed you as an actor?

It has made me aware of my weaknesses very clearly, which are being still, finding subtleties and being patient as an actor, among many other things. I would say my encounter with Noh is what has made me grounded, in that sense.


What are your plans for after graduation?

I'm yet to figure them out. I still don't know, and that's okay. Well, I was not expecting to graduate right in the middle of the worst pandemic in nearly 100 years.


What would you say to a new student or someone thinking of joining ITI?

Be ready to be broken into smithereens, and if you are open to that, you will have a lot of fun.


Who are the people you’d like to thank?

I would like to acknowledge all the students, faculty members, master teachers, admin and staff at ITI, and also the Angels and other people who have always supported the vision of ITI. It’s been a pleasure. Thanks a ton. I would like to give a special mention to our Angel Mano Singh and his wife Graciela for giving all their support and encouragement while we were in Singapore.


Be ready to be broken into smithereens, and if you are open to that, you will have a lot of fun.


prajith 448 psychosis sarah kane

Photos by Bernie Ng