Q&A with Jin Chen

30 October 2019 | Journal

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Jin started out studying e-commerce at South China University of Technology while participating in theatre workshops and performing in local productions, such as site-specific work Body Space in Yangjiang by Li Ning, and physical theatre piece The Wind by Jiangnan Liguo at Beijing Fringe Festival. She also co-founded Yooxi-Yooxi Arts Festival in her hometown, Yangjiang. 

Jin then went on to the UK for an MA in Creative Practice and Direction at Guildford School of Acting, where she combined her interest in physical theatre and contemporary dance with an exploration of text.

After returning to China’s theatre scene, Jin realised her experience in Europe had largely shaped her view of theatre, while she knew less about Asian theatre. She therefore decided to join ITI to explore communication, understanding and creation in theatre in a time of interculturalism.

Jin is a beneficiary of the Möbius Fund.


What were you doing before coming to ITI? 

I was studying theatre directing at Guildford School of Acting in the UK. 


How did you come to know of ITI, and what made you want to come here?

My friend told me about it. I came here because I wanted to get acting training in an open and respectful environment, and get to know more about my roots. 


What's something you’ve learnt from working with your classmates?

I’ve learned to communicate and stand up for my principles.


How has what your time at ITI shaped you as an actor?

I’ve learned that you have to be a good and happy person first before being an actor.


Expectations vs reality: has anything about your time at ITI surprised you?

People here are genuinely nicer and more sincere about the arts than I expected!


What are your plans for after graduation?

I will try my best to continue acting and directing while enjoying life.


What would you say to a new student or someone thinking of joining ITI? 

Prepare to work hard and allow yourself to feel weak.


Any special words of thanks for anyone? 

Thank you to all the teachers for helping me grow, and to all supporters for making all this possible. Without them and the audience witnessing, our work lands nowhere.


 a line Photo by Bernie Ng


Photos by Bernie Ng