Anildo Böes



Brazilian native, Anildo Böes, holds a Bachelor in Dramatic Arts from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. As an undergraduate, he was selected as a movement researcher under theatre director and researcher Inês Alcaraz Marocco. As part of the work, Anildo had to undertake an intense four years training based on the movements of regional farmers’ physical labour.

In 2008, he co-founded the Grupo Cerco theatre company together with his mentor, Marocco. Working with other collaborators, he co-created two acclaimed productions, O Sobrado and Incidente em Antares. Anildo has also performed in many Brazilian cities, in various notable theatre festivals such as FILO and Poa em Cena.

Anildo also has extensive experience in planning and performing in carnivals. He is part of Bloco da Laje, a collective of artists from Porto Alegre that holds public meetings in order to promote social inclusion and community creation.

In 2014, Anildo joined the Intercultural Theatre Institute’s actors training (ITI) in Singapore to develop his actor's craft and expand his knowledge in intercultural theatre. “I came here with different expectations than how it actually turned out to be – such as spending over a month just re-learning how to walk (in Beijing opera) or how to stay still (in Noh) … but these have been good surprises in my learning.”

Since returning to Brazil, Anildo has continued his work with Grupo Cerco as an actor. 


Last updated: 19 January 2022