The Chair: Reactions

2 October 2023 | Journal

the chair reaction


"The Chair smooths over many of these complexities a little too easily, in that it prioritises the central debate of to kill or not to kill, rather than delving deeper into character backstories. But within the scope of such a short, one act play, it is understandable, and where the actors do shine is in their physical theatre work. One particularly distressing scene sees the mayor dragging out a ‘living’ creature in a bag to practice the hanging on, writhing violently before it is strung up via a telephone cord, making us almost believe there truly is something breathing in there. This is followed up by a brilliantly dark moment, where the mayor disconnects the phone from its cord, still tied around the creature, to receive a call, showcasing a strong awareness from the cast on how to create tension and break it." –  Richard Neo, Bakchormeeboy

"This practice run is grotesque and deeply chilling – the actors are absolutely marvellous on stage as they attempt to hang the imaginary animal, wrestling the pig’s empty bag with such precise movement that it appears to be fighting back and leaves the audience wide-eyed. Even though the set is rather bare-bones – a dark stage, strobe lights and minimal props – we feel absorbed and almost trapped in this dark, claustrophobic world they have created." -  , SG Magazine


"Regardless of whether The Chair fulfilled its artistic intention or not, the world in which it paints reflects very clearly the one we live in, and I for one, am grateful that it neither hides nor shrouds the truth of the world we live in: one where conflict and paradox thrive, and despite there seldom being answers, we soldier on, finding the strength to live, explore, and keep living despite the unknown." - Philippe Pang


“训练法并没有误入“风格”(acting style)的彀中,李邪与这群演员们一起展示了这套训练法的灵活运用 ... 他们纯熟的表演与创作并非学生作品,已是专业制作,让人不禁对他们的年底作品翘首以待"

The training (in Biomechanics) did not make (the actors) fall into the trap of ‘style’ — they demonstrated flexible applications of the method… Their skilful performance is beyond the quality of a student production. I am already looking forward to their next production at the end of the year. -  Neo Hai Bin, 剧读 thea.preter


"Once again, ITI's graduate shines. Their training in various contemporary and traditional arts and performance practices is evident in their movements. And the plot and setup of the play, with the many characters involved, allow for the actors from across the globe to be comfortable in their own skin as they play out the disparate stories.
The viewing experience is heightened with delicately designed lighting and sound, which throws in shocks and trembles at every piece of news that reverberates across the town.

Alas, it is a beautifully put together performance that the graduates and the partnering artists can be proud of. And it left me 'shook', along with a tingle of suspense." - Isaac Lim, zac.rated