Movement Workshop for Actors


The Movement Workshop for Actors will focus on introducing, guidance and exploration on basic and essential knowledge, skills and understanding of body movement application for theatre training.

From warm-ups to breathing, centering, weight shifting, body alignment and to  conditioning.

The participants will be guided towards exploration on selected movement composition and related elements for practical application.

Participants should be at least 18 years old, with basic experience / exposure to theatre training.
Maximum number: 20

About the teacher
Lim Chin Huat a full-time faculty member of ITI where he teaches Movement. Chin Huat is also a cross-disciplinary artist who has over two decades of experience in capacities as visual artist, performer, dancer, choreographer, costume designer, facilitator and educator.

In particular, Chin Huat is known for his stunning visual creative works with cross-disciplinary, site-specific, outreach and non-conventional in nature.

Chin Huat has worked with Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble (1990-1996), and later, as co-founder and artistic director with ECNAD (1996-2013). As a prolific creator, he has created more than 70 creative works, mainly full-length dance since 1993.

Some of his signature and collaborative works were seen and presented in Singapore Arts Festival, Belgrade International Theatre Festival, Vienna Arts Festival’s Asia Village, Festival of Asia (New Zealand), Asia Interaction (Indonesia), Actor Studio at Kuala Lumpur, Beijing’s Chaoyang Cultural Centre, Esplanade Raw Series, Gardens by The Bay Opening, Mercedes-Benz Asia Fashion Award, Artwine Festival, Singapore River Festival, MediaCorp Star Awards, Asian Civilisation Museum and others.

Chin Huat is a recipient of the Young Artist Award (2000), and a nominee for the Spirit of Enterprise Award (2004).





2 Jul 2016


9AM - 1PM


Attend all 3 at $50 off! Special rate of $190
Discount of 20% available for students/NSF for all workshops.
Proof of identification will be requested on workshop attendance day. 

Enrol Support